Our 20th Anniversary Competition drew entries from players across the globe. With just 20 in-game years to build a thriving company on the busy Great Britain and Ireland map, a solid strategy was needed out of the gate.
We asked the Grand Prize winners and runners-up how they approached this challenge, and here are their responses. Whether you're a newcomer looking to improve your game, or a veteran curious about your fellow elite tycoons' tactics, there are lots of great tips in their answers!
£500 (GBP or equivalent) Travel Vouchers
- Daniel Morris, France
- Dr S. Peace, UK
- James Hood, USA
Transport Tycoon Branded Back Packs
- Guillaume Roussel, Canada
- Songkono Thamrin, Indonesia
- Francois Bucher, Switzerland
- Paul Spencer, UK
- Yoon Hyungsun, South Korea
- Kim Hansaem, South Korea
- Jaap Valent, Netherlands
- Clarence Dent, Australia
- Dan Conquer (real life Train Driver!), UK
- Martin Trasler, USA